Librarian Ire

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Best intentions

I was going to blog about the rest and haven that is the library on a Sunday. Especially on a Sunday in the beginning of the semester.

Haven is a place of safety, a port or harbor, a place offering favorable conditions or opportunities. Haven is also today's word.
I was wrong about the haven. At least for today. Ah well as long as this doesn't count on my road to hell.

And why can't I blog about the peace and serenity that Sunday provides?
The answer is that there were 5 ILL packages on the return shelf. 5 large packages. Two stacks of reserve books, a pile of mail, 1 stack of returned books that needed my attention(and only my attention) and the crowning glory. A three page e-mail from a TA about a lost reserve list. According to the e-mail the professor sent in the list in December. Which I doubt(call me cynical). Yet another late reserve list to do, books to recall, and books to find. Oh goodie.
And because people are STILL returning books from last semester we have a nice little tower of books in the middle of our floor.
So I have been a busy little bee. Only now can I do the regularly scheduled ILL, circulation updating, and e-mails.
Very hectic. Maybe next Sunday I will have a peaceful(dare I say boring?) Sunday. I have forgotten what those are like. It's been months.

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